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Studio Habits Self Assessment Form

Look at your artwork. Read each section of the Studio Habits "master rubric" as directed by Ms. Wilson.

  1. Carefully consider your art making process. Based on the descriptions in the master rubric decide if your artwork shows evidence of Novice, Proficient or Expert level of achievement.

  2. Mark each section.

  3. Comment on challenges and successes.

  4. Gather groupmate's papers and place in the Class Hand In Folder.

  1. Sketchbook Cover

  2. Popcorn Transformation

  3. Disproportion Collage

  4. Self-Portrait pencil drawing

Self-Portrait Assessment


Use the mirror. Work in pencil on the Student Led Conference sheet.

Don't worry about how well you think you can draw. This is just a pre-test. It will help me know what I need to teach you!


For your final assessment, after practicing portraits all week, you will demonstrate your ability to "map out" the proper placement of facial features, add shading to show form and details in the eyes, ears, lips and nose. You will work on a 6 x 8 piece of paper and your final audience will be the school community and your family. Your work will be mounted and displayed.

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